Drupal has a system for asset library dependencies. Libraries Modules and themes use *.libraries.yml to define assets. CSS is added in a SMACSS layer, to determine the ordering among all libraries on the page. This is important to get styles working...
Some recently updated modules to check out. Enhancements for the new core navigation module. https://www.drupal.org/project/navigation_extra https://www.drupal.org/project/navigation_extra_tools SDC component libraries. https://www.drupal.org/project/sdc...
Advanced theming addresses the most complex issues. For example, participating in discussions on front end architecture, working on frameworks and tooling, and resolving technical issues that block other developers. Here are are few areas in front end...
Recipes are bundles of Drupal code and config that set up a feature in a site. Documentation https://www.drupal.org/docs/extending-drupal/drupal-recipes Project https://www.drupal.org/project/distributions_recipes *It looks like the core patch referenced...
Twig is Drupal's templating language, coming from Symfony. https://twig.symfony.com/ https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/theming-drupal/twig-in-drupal Print variables with {{ variable }}. Templates end in .html.twig. SDC components end in .twig. https:/...
Single Directory Components are twig templates plus css/js that are loaded together. Unlike libraries which are just css/js, SDC provides the html structure to pair with the styles and scripts. This means that instead of loading a library as a dependency...
Drupal 9.5+ includes a starterkit theme and script to generate your own. The script will copy the starterkit theme and rename it to what you specify. php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme NEW_THEME Core Themes Stable9 Stable9 theme exists to provide a...
Display modes configure entity form and view displays. Structure > Display modes Typically, default and teaser displays are enabled. Create new displays as needed. Views and entity reference fields can display selected view modes. Tip: After creating a...
Modules for enhancing display modes. View mode selection Select view mode to display when editing the entity. https://www.drupal.org/project/view_mode_selector_field https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_display_mode https://www.drupal.org/project/view...